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Aantal resultaten: 19( DE:"online hulpverlening" )


Jahresbericht 2011

Berlin: Mann-o-Meter, 2011 - 71 p.
uitgave: Berlin : Mann-o-Meter, 2011 - 71 p.
  1. zorg/hulpverlening
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: 2011 war mit dem 25-jährigen Geburtstag von Mann-O-Meter von einem denkwürdigen Ereignis begleitet. Angefangen beim bundesweit ersten Gay-Switchboard, über das erste Antigewaltprojekt für schwule und bisexuelle Männer "Maneo" bis hin zum HIV-Schnelltest, der von uns als erstes Projekt in Deutschland angestoßen und umgesetzt wurde - alles Beispiele für unsere Flexibilität und Kreativität und für das Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter. Doch darauf können und wollen wir uns nicht ausruhen. Die Entwicklung hin zu einem Gesundheitszentrum, das die psychische und physische Gesundheit für alle Altersgruppen zum Ziel hat, wird mit Nachdruck weiter verfolgt. Auch des geänderten Userverhaltens werden wir weiter Rechnung tragen - Stichwort: Onlineberatung.

signatuur: cat. (jahresb/man) 2011

dgb grijs

Jahresbericht 2011
cat. (jahresb/man) 2011dgb grijs

Making connections : investigation of an online counselling service for gay and same-sex attracted men in South Australia  / Ben Yi, Rob Willoughby.

HIV Australia, 10 (2012) 2 (oct), p. 29-30
bron: HIV Australia jaargang: 10 (2012) 2 (oct), p. 29-30
samenvatting: Ben Yi and Rob Willoughby evaluate the benefits of delivering counselling services online as a way to overcome barriers to access in rural areas.

signatuur: ts.

Making connections : investigation of an online counselling service for gay and same-sex attracted men in South Australia
Ben Yi, Rob Willoughby.
HIV Australia

Vision for inclusion : An LGBT broadband future  / Jessie Daniels & Mary Gray.

Lost City, WV: LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute, [2014] - 34 p.
uitgave: Lost City, WV : LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute, [2014] - 34 p.
  1. internet
  2. lhbt
samenvatting: This report provides an overview of the current scholarship, including policy reports around the particular needs of LGBT people and the internet. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the U.S. are core users of the internet and broadband technologies. Even as we have won important civil rights, LGBT people face ongoing challenges, such as employment discrimination and social marginalization. Of course the LGBT community is not a monolith but rather comprised of many other communities, be it race, religion, age, class or geographic location. As a result, the struggles that individual communities confront may be complicated when sexual orientation or gender identity are part of the mix. These challenges make accessing the internet across broadband technologies, as welll as providing protections to ensure privacy and safety when using these technologies, necessities for survival rather than luxuries.

signatuur: cat. (daniel-j/gra)

dgb grijs

Vision for inclusion : An LGBT broadband future
cat. (daniel-j/gra)dgb grijs

Hart onder de riem  / Joep Heldoorn.

Hello Gorgeous (2014) 6 (lente), p. 64-66
bron: Hello Gorgeous (2014) 6 (lente), p. 64-66
samenvatting: De website 4mezelf.nl biedt emotionele ondersteuning en informatie over seksualiteit en gezondheid aan homomannen vlak na de hiv diagnose.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Hart onder de riem
ts. dgb periodieken
Joep Heldoorn.
Hello Gorgeous

Save the rainbow : Suïcidepreventie bij LGBT's  / Annelies Leysen.

Zizo, 21 (2014) 128 (okt/nov/dec), p. 56-57
bron: Zizo jaargang: 21 (2014) 128 (okt/nov/dec), p. 56-57
samenvatting: Uit onderzoek blijkt dat 33 tot 45% van de holebi's tijdens het opgroeien zelfmoordgedachten heeft. Bij transgenders loopt dat cijfers op tot 63%. Het Trevor Project is een project ter suïcidepreventie van Amerikaanse holebi's en transgenders. In België werd op initiatief van Vlaams minister van Welzijn 'Zelfmoord1813' gelanceerd, een online platform waar iedereen terecht kan met vragen rond de suïcideproblematiek.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Save the rainbow : Suïcidepreventie bij LGBT's
ts. dgb periodieken
Annelies Leysen.

Relative Efficiency of Field and Online Strategies in the Recruitment of HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men  / Andrea C. Vial, Tyrel J. Starks, Jeffrey T. Parsons.

Aids Education and Prevention, 27 (2015) 2 (apr), p. 103-111
bron: Aids Education and Prevention jaargang: 27 (2015) 2 (apr), p. 103-111
samenvatting: Efforts to reach HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) and link them to care must be expanded; however, finding and recruiting them remains a challenge. We compared the efficiency of three recruitment sources in reaching self-identified HIV-positive MSM with various characteristics. Relative to recruitment online and at clubs and bars, AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) were significantly more efficient in reaching HIV-positive MSM in general. This was also true for those with specific characteristics of interest such as substance/stimulant use, and HIV-positive MSM who were racial/ethnic minorities. Both ASOs and online recruitment were more efficient than clubs and bars in reaching HIV-positive MSM not taking HIV medication. This was also the case for White HIV-positive MSM in general, and White HIV-positive MSM who used substances and stimulants. Online recruitment was also more efficient than clubs and bars in reaching HIV-positive MSM who were young across the board. Read More: http://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/aeap.2015.27.2.103

signatuur: ts.

Relative Efficiency of Field and Online Strategies in the Recruitment of HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men
Andrea C. Vial, Tyrel J. Starks, Jeffrey T. Parsons.
Aids Education and Prevention

Are mainstream support services meeting the needs of sexual minority women with breast cancer? : An exploration of the perspectives and experiences of users of an online support forum  / Rachel L. Wandry, Whitney D. Qualls and Katie E. Mosack.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 28 (2016) 4 (oct-dec), p. 336-348
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 28 (2016) 4 (oct-dec), p. 336-348
samenvatting: We conducted an inductive content analysis of messages posted to the lesbian-specific discussion board forum found on breastcancer.org for the purpose of examining sexual minority women's experiences of and perspectives on mainstream cancer support services. Our analysis indicated that currently available support services might not be adequately addressing sexual minority women's unique needs. Individuals posting to the lesbian-specific forum reported the presence of homophobia, heterosexual bias, and feelings of exclusion in mainstream breast cancer support services. In contrast, forum users generally perceived nonspecific cancer support groups to be beneficial, yet the majority preferred lesbian-specific support. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2016.1221783]

signatuur: ts.

Are mainstream support services meeting the needs of sexual minority women with breast cancer? : An exploration of the perspectives and experiences of users of an online support forum
Rachel L. Wandry, Whitney D. Qualls and Katie E. Mosack.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services

eHealth Literacy and Intervention Tailoring Impacts the Acceptability of a HIV/STI Testing Intervention and Sexual Decision Making Among Young Gay and Bisexual Men Read More: http://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/aeap.2017.29.1.14  / Keith J. Horvath, José A. Bauermeister.

Aids Education and Prevention, 29 (2017) 1 (feb), p. 14-23
bron: Aids Education and Prevention jaargang: 29 (2017) 1 (feb), p. 14-23
samenvatting: We assessed whether young men who have sex with men's acceptability with the online Get Connected! intervention and subsequent sexual health decision making were influenced by their baseline eHealth literacy (high vs. low competency) and intervention tailoring (tailored or nontailored intervention condition). Compared to the high eHealth literacy/tailored intervention group: (1) those in the low eHealth literacy/tailored intervention condition and participants in the nontailored intervention condition (regardless of eHealth literacy score) reported lower intervention information quality scores; and (2) those in the low eHealth literacy/nontailored intervention group reported lower intervention system quality scores and that the intervention had less influence on their sexual health decision making. Future similar intervention research should consider how eHealth literacy might influence participants' abilities to navigate intervention content and integrate it into their sexual decision making. [Copies are available at http://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/aeap.2017.29.1.14 ]

signatuur: ts.

eHealth Literacy and Intervention Tailoring Impacts the Acceptability of a HIV/STI Testing Intervention and Sexual Decision Making Among Young Gay and Bisexual Men Read More: http://guilfordjournals.com/doi/abs/10.1521/aeap.2017.29.1.14
Keith J. Horvath, José A. Bauermeister.
Aids Education and Prevention

Dossier: 40 jaar Cavaria  / Paul Borghs ... [et al.].

Zizo, 24 (2017) 138 (apr/mei/jun), p. 10-45
bron: Zizo jaargang: 24 (2017) 138 (apr/mei/jun), p. 10-45
samenvatting: Inhoud: - Viertig jaar strijd voor gelijke rechten: Tien sleutelmomenten / Paul Borghs - p. 10. - Was het nu 40, 42 of 45 jaar? Het verhaal achter de wieg van de FWH / Bart Hellinck - p. 16. - Het document - zaza / Thierry Hanan Scheers - p. 18. - HIV: Emanciperen uit noodzaak / Chris Lambrechts en Patrick Reyntiens - p. 20-21. - Getekend: Carla Walschap : De eerste lesbische roman in Vlaanderen / Thierry Hanan Scheers - p. 22-23. - Het is onwenzelijk : Son Snelders over de transgender(r)evolutie / Christina Vanlook - p. 29-31. - Oost, west, LGBT-huis best / Elisa Schanzer - p. 32-33. - Twintig jaar aan de lijn bij de Holebifoon / Elisa Schanzer - p. 34-35. - Minderheden binnen de minderheid / Leen De Wispelaere - p. 36-37. - Terug van nooit weggeweest: Breuklijnen in de holebi- en trangenderbeweging / Paul Borghs - p. 38-40. - Gay-Straight Alliance: Bondgenoten van het eerste uur / Leen De Wispelaere - p.42-45.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Dossier: 40 jaar Cavaria
ts. dgb periodieken
Paul Borghs ... [et al.].

Gelukkig wordt de holebifoon gewoon Lumi : Holebi-transgender-aseksueel-queer-panseksueel-intersekse-plus-foon?  / Sytske Van Wesemael.

Zizo, 26 (2019) 145 (jan/mrt), p. 26-27
bron: Zizo jaargang: 26 (2019) 145 (jan/mrt), p. 26-27
samenvatting: De Holebifoon is van naam veranderd. Nu heet de info- en opvanglijn voor iedereen met een vraag over of een verhaal rond gender of seksuele voorkeur 'Lumi'.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Gelukkig wordt de holebifoon gewoon Lumi : Holebi-transgender-aseksueel-queer-panseksueel-intersekse-plus-foon?
ts. dgb periodieken
Sytske Van Wesemael.


( DE:"online hulpverlening" )

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